Thursday, November 4, 2010


There is a man who states
That life is but a stage
And we are actors of fates
In this desolate age

There is a man who says
That life is a masquerade
And we hide behind masks and plays
In this artificial parade

There is a man who insists
That life is a carnival
And we revel in all that exists
In this gaudy festival

There is a man who mutters
That life is a sanatorium
And we are nothing but nutters
In this crazy pandemonium

There is a man who cries
That life is a tragedy
And we are all lies
In this ironic parody

There is a man who ordains
That life is a prison cell
And we are held in chains
In this neverending hell

There is a man who screams
That life is an illusion
And we are fleeting dreams
In this perfect delusion

There is a man who sings
That life is not our own
And we count our blessings
In this field we have not sown

So what is life of which you live?
Who is right; with whom to agree?
What to choose; which story to weave?
Which life to recount to the powers that be?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


"Hello, hello how are you?"

"Hello, I am great thank you."

Hello, hello I just don't see.

Hello, of course I'm hiding me.

"Hello, hello isn't the day fine?"

"Hello, indeed the sun still shine."

Hello, hello I am tired of these.

Hello, I beg you just help me please.

"Hello, hello how was your walk?"

"Hello, it is good so much to talk."

Hello, hello I have done my part.

Hello, I am ashamed I can't even start.

"Hello, hello how was your work?"

"Hello, I was promoted with fine perks."

Hello, hello sounds perfect I need to hide.

Hello, can you hear me; I am dying inside.

"Hello, hello it is nice to meet."

"Hello, it is wonderful for us to speak."

Hello, hello I really have to fly.

Hello, truly none shall hear my cry.

How many "hellos" and how many "goodbyes"

Have we left behind and pass them by?

How many "life's great" and how many "I'm fine"s

Have we overlook and miss the signs?

Where is the love what happened to care?

Is time too short and life too busy to bear?

Where is honesty what happened to Truth?

Is the mask so important what does it prove?

So hear this, my sister; contemplate this, my brother

Wherever whenever you are conversing with another.

P/S: This poem is an inspiration that grabbed hold of me and would not let go till it is penned. I know that it is rather different from all that I have written previously and I hope that this poem will be food for thought for my dear readers. ;p And to help you understand better, the first 6 stanzas are conversations between 2 people; where the first 2 lines in "..." of a stanza are verbal conversations while the next 2 lines in that same stanza without the "..." are actually what the 2 persons are really saying in their heart/mind.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Slam the door

Fasten the chain

Ignore the roar

Of the pounding rain

Turn back the clocks

Wind up the hands

Let not the ticks and tocks

Sound through the lands

Shut one eye

Close two ears

Kiss good bye

To the coming years

Open the chest

Clean the dust

Take no rest

And dive into the past

Forget tomorrow

Erase today

Drown the sorrow

Hold the grief at bay

Choke the tears

Shake the pain

Grapple the fears

From going insane

Then the illusion breaks

Shatter and rust

And the control shakes

Crumble to dust

Curse and rail

Cast the blame

Cry and wail

The misery's the same

Sink into the deep

Fall into the night

Break down and weep

“Can it ever be right?”

So silence the riot

Kneel and pray

Suffer the quiet

Throw Pity away

P/S: This poem is currently still in the works! So stay tuned as more stanzas are added to it. ;) Hope you enjoy the preview!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Into Your courts I enter

Empty but full of praise

At the feet of Your throne I cast

My crown of pride and all cares

Into Your hands I surrender

These chains of burden and sin

In Your loving embrace I weep

Tears of repentance and joy

Upon Your face I gaze

With longing and awed wonder

Onto You my Lord I bless

With humble obedience and love