"Hello, hello how are you?"
"Hello, I am great thank you."
Hello, hello I just don't see.
Hello, of course I'm hiding me.
"Hello, hello isn't the day fine?"
"Hello, indeed the sun still shine."
Hello, hello I am tired of these.
Hello, I beg you just help me please.
"Hello, hello how was your walk?"
"Hello, it is good so much to talk."
Hello, hello I have done my part.
Hello, I am ashamed I can't even start.
"Hello, hello how was your work?"
"Hello, I was promoted with fine perks."
Hello, hello sounds perfect I need to hide.
Hello, can you hear me; I am dying inside.
"Hello, hello it is nice to meet."
"Hello, it is wonderful for us to speak."
Hello, hello I really have to fly.
Hello, truly none shall hear my cry.
How many "hellos" and how many "goodbyes"
Have we left behind and pass them by?
How many "life's great" and how many "I'm fine"s
Have we overlook and miss the signs?
Where is the love what happened to care?
Is time too short and life too busy to bear?
Where is honesty what happened to Truth?
Is the mask so important what does it prove?
So hear this, my sister; contemplate this, my brother
Wherever whenever you are conversing with another.
P/S: This poem is an inspiration that grabbed hold of me and would not let go till it is penned. I know that it is rather different from all that I have written previously and I hope that this poem will be food for thought for my dear readers. ;p And to help you understand better, the first 6 stanzas are conversations between 2 people; where the first 2 lines in "..." of a stanza are verbal conversations while the next 2 lines in that same stanza without the "..." are actually what the 2 persons are really saying in their heart/mind.